Tuesday 29 October 2019

Chemical Peels

A Chemical Peel can improve the appearance of the skin on your face, neck, and hands. Your skin specialist will apply a chemical solution to your skin, which will eventually peel off your skin layer. The newly regenerated skin is less wrinkled and smoother than the old skin. It is also highly sensitive to the sun for a few weeks after the process. A Chemical Peel can remove the damaged skin cells and also regenerate healthier skin underneath. There are three different types of Chemical Peels- light, medium, and deep.

Chemical peel

A Light Chemical Peel, also called Superficial Peel when applied, removes the outer layer of skin. It can treat wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone, and dryness. Depending on your desired results, you may have a light chemical peel as often as every two to five weeks.

 Medium Chemical Peel can treat your skin by removing the skin cells from the epidermis and also from the upper part of the middle layer of the dermis. To maintain results, you can repeat the treatment after three to nine months.

Your specialist will only suggest a Deep Chemical Peel if you have deeper wrinkles or facial Pigmentation. During the process, the skin cells from the epidermis and from portions of the middle to lower layers of your dermis are removed. The treatment can only be performed once in a month and repeated as per doctors advise.

 What are the side effects of Chemical Peels?

Like every treatment, Chemical Peel also tends to have some side-effects. Some may be temporary, whereas other side effects could be permanent.

  •  Redness, dryness, burning, and swelling are few temporary side-effects you can expect after a chemical peel.
  •  Darkening of the skin, scarring, and infection are some extremely rare side-effects.

 Your recovery time will vary according to the Chemical Peel you have received. After the treatment, the specialist will provide you with specific instructions on aftercare to be followed at home. He will prescribe you with some lotions and facial creams to apply on your skin.

At Liposuction Tummy Tuck Mumbai, our expert skin specialists strive to provide quality treatment for all your skincare problems.

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Blog Reviewed By: Dr Prashant Murugkar
Visit Us: liposuctiontummytuck.in
Mail Us: beautydrin@gmail.com
Book an appointment: liposuctiontummytuck.in/book-appointment

Saturday 28 September 2019

Plumping Your Lips Is Trending

In 2015, the Kylie Jenner challenge stormed the internet with netizens going gaga over getting fuller lips. That time they tried getting the trendy pouty look by putting their lips into a shot glass and sucking the air inside, and now in 2018, with another similar challenge doing on the rounds on a social media video app called TikTok, people are again trying to get the topped-up lip by super-gluing them. Millions of people joined the challenge in 2015 and more are coming forward to post their videos of lip-gluing now as well. The simple reason behind such popularity is that pouts are in fashion and fuller lips are considered to make one look more feminine and beautiful.

dermafiller treatment in mumbai

Time and again movie stars have spent millions in beautifying themselves, among which lip surgeries and lip plumping top the charts. But they have opted for better methods and procedures rather than timidly gluing their lips or sucking the air from inside a shot glass. Smart indeed! You can be too if you choose Juvederm fillers to get the attractive look you always desired. But it is to be noted that the treatment is not solely about getting the pouty look, but essentially getting a more feminine look and fuller, beautiful and attractive lips.

Juvederm, a popular nonsurgical cosmetic treatment option is used for facial contouring purposes and to reduce the signs of ageing. This filler is used mainly to contour the cheeks, lips and the mouth area. It is an injectable with hyaluronic acid as a base. It’s a fast process and needs just 15-60 minutes to complete the entire process.

The efficacy of the treatment is unparallel, effects can be noticed immediately after the procedure and the results can last up to 2- 3 years.

There are three main types of Juvederm fillers listed below:
  • Juvederm Voluma XC
  • Juvederm XC and Juvederm Vollure XC
  • Juvederm Ultra XC and Juvederm Volbella XC
Juvederm effectively adds the extra volume to the facial tissue. The hyaluronic acid base stimulates connective tissue production thereby plumping the skin. This treatment is fast, easy and affordable, however, consult a doctor before opting for the treatment.

Blog Reviewed By: Dr Prashant Murugkar
Visit Us: liposuctiontummytuck.in
Mail Us: beautydrin@gmail.com
Book an appointment: liposuctiontummytuck.in/book-appointment

Tuesday 29 January 2019

“Do I need a full tummy tuck, or can I have a mini tummy tuck?”

Every individual’s dream is to have a perfectly curved tummy. A beautifully shaped tummy or the lower abdomen not only allows you to fit in attractive clothes but also make your body look extremely proportional. But once you start gaining weight, the curviness disappears. The saddest part is, that despite living a healthy lifestyle, loosing weight and toning their muscles most people can’t get their belly back in shape. This is mainly because when you lose a lot of weight, the skin sags and becomes inelastic so that despite weight loss you are left with an apron of skin around your waist.  

So here's a perfect solution to your problems! The advanced tummy tuck procedure will give you the opportunity to get back in shape and have those attractive curves once again! Now the question arises whether you need the full or extended tummy tuck or the mini tuck.

Full Tummy Tuck Vs Mini Tummy Tuck- Which should you prefer?

A mini tuck is generally appropriate for a patient who does not have any weakness of her tummy muscles or does not have rectus divarication. If you have just got loose hanging crepe skin below your belly button and no skin excess above it, then you might be the right patient for this procedure. In a mini tuck a small incision (generally the size of the C Section cut) is made and the excess skin is removed; this might be combined with some liposuction of the tummy if required.

In a standard or full tummy tuck, 4 steps are used, liposuction of the belly and side, tightening of the tummy muscles, removal of the excess hanging skin fold and relocation of the belly button. This operation is designed for patients who have had multiple pregnancies or have lost a lot of weight and have a poor muscle and skin tone. 

Dr Prashant Murugkar is one of the most highly-trained international Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai. Together with his team, he offers a bunch of different cosmetic surgery for his patients. So if you are planning to have a mini tummy tuck Surgery in Mumbai, book an appointment now and get to know information about the surgery in details!

Mail Us: beautydrin@gmail.com